
Agr.Library Self-guided Tour 2023 Autumn (Sep.27- Nov.15)

Agr. Library Self-guided tour is held. This is a tour in which you visit the checkpoints on your own with a guide for the tour.
In about 10 minutes, you will learn about Agr. Library facilities and how to use.
Come and join in!
*This tour is open to UTokyo members.


University Library for Agricultural and Life Sciences
*For information on the location of Agr. Lib., please see Access & Contact .

How to join

  1. Please take one of library guides for self-guided tour.
  2. Check how to use the facilities at the 4 checkpoints in Agr. Library.
    *Checkpoints and recommended route are described in the guide.
  3. Read an explanation panel and put a sticker on the guide at each location.
    *The stickers are placed near the explanation panel.
  4. Please come to the service desk after completion. You will receive Nouto-kun sticky notes and a file folder!


27 Sep. 2023 (Wed.) – 15 Nov. 2023 (Wed.) *Join at any time during the opening hours.


Information Service Section, University Library for Agricultural and Life Sciences
service★ (Please replace ★ with @.)

↓Click to download each PDF file